Monday, June 30, 2014

Fireworks in Mechanicsburg Area

This Friday is Independence Day. This day is set aside to celebrate with friends and family. Most people enjoy the holiday by grilling, swimming, or attending community events. Almost everyone finishes the night by watching fireworks. Do you know where you'll be watching fireworks this year? Click through this link to see the fireworks displays in Cumberland County. 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Blast to the Past, Jubilee Day, 1950

The 2014 Jubilee Day was a major success! Have you ever wondered what it was like to visit a Jubilee Day from the past? How about 1950? Enjoy these pictures courtesy of the Mechanicsburg Chamber of Commerce depicting the 1950 Jubilee Day.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Why Is It Important to be Car Care Aware?

Your car goes through a lot of wear, so it's important to give it plenty of care.The below infographic has some great information and why you should be car care aware.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Poll: Which Work Song Keeps You Working?

Which Work Song Keeps You Working?
9-5, Dolly Parton
Salt of the Earth, Rolling Stones
Takin' Care of Business, Bachman Turner Overdrive
Working Man, Rush
She Works Hard for the Money, Donna Summer
Poll Maker

Monday, June 2, 2014

Motown Monday: Cadillac from Dreamgirls

Cadillac cars have always been iconic. That's why it's no surprise that the musical Dreamgirls featured a song all about them! Dust off your dancing shoes and enjoy this Motown Monday!